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What does Christmas mean to you?

The one time of the year I morph into becoming a morning person

Trying to avoid being dragged to Mass but having to go anyway despite my best efforts

Being with people you love! That and all the lovely food

It’s not complete without the Queen’s speech, at 3pm mum grabs the remote and no one can talk until Lizzie has finished!

A car journey under blankets, in the dark, heading south to see my grandparents

Family, food, festivities… and board games, but that screws up my nice little alliterations

Observing with glee my grandmother pursing her lips in disgust while watching the Royle Family Christmas special

Family time… putting aside all conflict (or trying to!) and spending time with people you love

Seeing the anticipation turn to joy (hopefully) when your loved ones open their presents on Christmas day, still with bed heads and pj’s on

Enjoying celebrating with family and friends, eating good food and remembering the birth of the baby Jesus

Dusting off the violin to squeakily serenade my grandparents, who give me a penny for my efforts

Not having to shower for 5 days and watching films in my pyjamas

A chance to catch up with all your family, eat your weight in food and get fierce competitive playing ridiculous board games all day

A cold Christmas walk

The one time of the year it’s socially acceptable to get drunk in front of your granny

A chance to do lots of arts and crafts, something I never get the opportunity for during the term

Family time, twinkling lights, carols, celebrations, happy times and holidays… and the movie Elf!

Sex by the fire

A celebration, of family being together, food, giving and receiving, looking back on the year

Something that makes the winter months bearable

Chestnut soup!!

Coming home, spending time with my family and high school friends and heading to the mountains to frolic in the winter wonderland that is the Rocky Mountains

Trying my very best not to pass out drunk before eating the dinner

The trifle that we make without fail every Christmas eve, each soggy layer simultaneously worse and more delicious than the one preceding it

Celebrating MY birthday, sorry Jesus!

Spending time with your family, having fun and enjoying the snow

Seeing as I’m not with family this year, I’d say from a non-religious point of view Christmas is a day where all the loners, travellers and friends come together to get festive, have a good laugh, share stories, gifts, love, wine and finish the day in food comas

Not going out on Stephen's night, would rather stay in and get tubby

Why at Christmas does everyone try to force joy upon me? I am content in my grumpiness, leave me be.

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